The life (A little motivation)

Life is mixture of good and bad things. Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad. But in the end what you do defines your life.

Life is like a movie, you are the hero of our own movie, some are your friends, some are your enemies some are neither just for a single scene . Some character are really important that define your life or easy way to call it that changes your life like mother father or you love. Everybody in this world is hero in it’s own story, What he do define his life. His work define his purpose, and his passion define it’s goal. But the life we are living is’t the life we choice to live because this world has it’s own principles and laws, which affect our choices, then here comes our passion, persistence and hard work to achieve our goal. How much we are passionate to achieve and how much we put hard word work in it. World will make a great resistance, will give you new dreams, new things that will put in the illusion and they remove your real dream from you mind. Some people do follow world, they forget there real dream because the world show him other attractive dreams and then we he follows those dreams then again world show him more dreams and then more dreams, the person waste all his life to follow what the world but there are those people, who fights with world for what he believe in and he puts his mark in the world and people remember him for a long time because he fights in what he believes in .So it the life well actually it’s not the life, it the battle between you and the world. And what the person who wins and will never died. Thank you J never give up and never try to forget your dream . <3 <3 
